Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hugs for Hobos

I don't think most yearbooks aren't known for being particularly politically correct. But this example was eye-catching, given my fascination with hobos. There is a club called "Hugs for the Homeless" that sews blankets out of remnant material and hands them out. Nice gesture, right?

And then some jokester on the yearbook staff got their hands on it.

The yearbook calls the club "Hugs for Hobos." Mostly the mis-labeling is rude to the sweet-looking girls who do the sewing, but none of this "yearbook-staff-oops!" should surprise me, given the also-awful photo I found in my 1988 PVHS yearbook.

Somebody thought this photo was funny. It is a shot of the Journalism teacher raising a machine gun to her apparently insubordinate student staff, who wear blindfolds, execution-style.

Now, I know I have images of Abu Ghraib in my head, that make this image extra-appalling, but weren't the atrocities of Vietnam a not-so-distant memory to adults in 1988? Apparently those wild and wacky yearbook/journalism-types need to blow off a little steam sometimes, both then and now.

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